the claims process

NSO = National Service Officer. DAV NSOs are highly-trained, paid professionals who are stationed at the various VA Regional Offices throughout the country. They review, certify, and upload claims into the VA system, as well as assisting clients directly. NSOs also represent clients at VA hearings (but not in the courts).
VA Examination. Also referred to as a Compensation & Pension (C&P) Exam, this is where a medical and/or psychological specialist in the area of your filed disability conducts an examination to determine the extent of the disability.
Rating Decision. This is where VA Rating Officers analyze evidence and exam results to determine if and at what level a filed disability may be compensated by the VA.
Decision Letter to Claimant. This important letter designates whether service connection for filed disabilities was approved or denied. The letter also explains in detail what criteria were used in order to reach the decision. If a claimant disagrees with the decision made by the VA, they may file an appeal to have the decision reconsidered.